Monday, August 15, 2011

Beware of Shiny Packaging

It’s like the toy you saw when you were little,

And you knew, from the very moment

That you set your eyes upon it,

You needed it.

For all of its promised glory.

Blindly, you knew how it would feel in your hands

Just what you’d do with it

The fun and the games, the adventure

How it would move with you

Going wherever you would go.

Or like a tasty treat,

How it would feel to peel the wrapper

Slowly from the morsel

And place it in your mouth.

The taste, the smell.

How it would be yours.

But there it was on the shelf in its

Shiny, alluring packaging

Just out of your reach so you can’t touch.

Unable to be acquired.

It didn’t matter that it wasn’t meant to be yours,

That your instincts said it wasn't worth

The cost.

You did anything you could to earn it.

Only to find, in the end

It couldn't do half the stuff you just knew it would.

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