Thursday, November 22, 2012
Ode To An Unexpected Feast
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tattered Book
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Key Chain of Events
Monday, October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Taking and Running With It
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Rainy Day Paper Presentation
Thursday, September 20, 2012
My Poet Roommate Tells Me
A few lines were "borrowed" from Kim from several poems found in her her poetry book Tell Me.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Social Death and Brain Abuse
Thursday, September 13, 2012
My First One Night Stand
+Written on 8/30/2012 for Jeff Epley's Fall 2012 Intermediate Poetry class. The assignment was to capture narrative elements in the poem.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
On Cat Boxes and Laundry
Monday, September 3, 2012
Dear Change
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sometimes, Life is Like a Movie
It is noon. I've decided to tan in my skimpy-ish little animal-print bikini. Push-up top with thin straps, bottoms with little pink ties. I lay on the grass and opt for my sultry and "sinful" reading. After having had a few much-too-revealing conversations with my grandfather, picking up the book in such little clothing feels...a little strange. But I go for it. This is me. Age 26, sexy, in shape, tan building steadily like it never has before. And moreover. sex deprived--for two whole months!
I lay basking gloriously when my grandfather comes out on the porch. "Have the sprinklers sprunkled?" he asks. The ones that wet the mulch have been on throughout the entire duration of my bronzing, so I answer yes, as water from the nearest contraption gently trickles down my ankles, barely there. He nods and explains that he will be downstairs watching a movie if I'd like to join, and in response, I inform him that I'll be down in about 30 minutes, returning to my dirty erotica.
About two minutes later, I wonder how the grass stays green in this ninety-something-degree heat, if the sprinklers only reach the mulch.
And as if on cue, the real sprinklers turn on. COLD! Fifty-something-degrees of cold--rather ironic since I'm reading Fifty Shades of Grey--showering atop my baking body!
I rise up quickly in reflex, forgetting that my top has been unfastened, and my bottoms have been wedged in my ass crack for maximum sun exposure. As I spring forward, my breasts become exposed. I try to remedy the situation while simultaneously realizing that this act, without re-fastening, will be unsuccessful. I give up and, instead, reach for my towel to cover my breasts, but I'm standing on it and nearly catapult my own body straight into the ground. I jump off, gather my belongings, grasping them to my chest in a grip that I am positive has me looking as if I suffer from cerebral palsy, and run, wedgie-assed and topless onto the porch, yelling repeatedly "shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!"
Here I am, "sinful" smut reader in "god's country", running around topless in the sprinklers.
I suppose I can honestly say that this book really has got me wet!
ba-dum chhhhh!
Little Packages
an old flame;
Nivea beard scrub to
face the harsh reality;
Manchego cheese
with my whine,
hoping to let the man go,
but he's still there,
A Creeper in my mind.
Magnum says
he's too big in my head;
Sunscreen because
I have no protection;
Pathfinder as I
find my way without him;
Pinot Noir for the
dark alleyways he still
absently walks me down.
It's the little packages
That bring the biggest pains.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Many Ghosts of You
Friday, June 15, 2012
Girl Brands
Reset Button
Saturday, June 9, 2012
To Love Me More
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Non-Fiction Writing
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Empty Glass
I comb the room.
Exhilaration runs through me as
I browse the faces of those I never knew.
And in that moment I've tricked myself
Same as everyone else.
He isn't there.
Not in the crowd
Not in the empty glass at hand.
Like my numbing friend,
I've enjoyed too much of him.
And he is gone.
My Men Are Like Blankets
I grow attached to every thread that makes them up.
On the threads lay oils of scent which I crave.
Scent which I crave and rub my nose into,
Inhaling the essence of where he's been today or the day before.
I want them to cover me, to warm my body
And lay with me.
Lay with me in bliss, lay with me in sadness or in fear.
In the dark, protect me when I'm scared.
The feel of the fabric against my skin,
The warmth of the personality that dwells within the fibers.
Some parts scratchier or silkier than others.
I let my fingers rove frequently and slowly over my favorite spots.
And I love every flaw because
As I discover them, they become more "mine".
I need a blanket.
Like Aloe to a Sunburn
Only it is he who scorches my tender skin,
And only he who can apply the moist nectar
Necessary to heal it.
It is he who makes me blister and swell
In a moment whence I regret
Not having applied strict protection;
And yet he over-runs my system
In some sort of "regeneration".
It is he who peels this skin
As I disappoint my own eyes in my mirror.
All the same it is he who sheds the former me
Revealing a fresh and beautiful new shell
In which I will reside.
So that I might move on.
But he's like aloe to a sunburn.
You Have Been Loved
Even if the word was never uttered, it is undoubtably a form of love to want the best and most pain-free life for those whom we care for. So, when that special someone walks away from us, sharing sincere gratitude for our being and concern for our emotions, it is necessary to take it to heart that while it may not have been the form of love that perhaps we were searching for, it was love enough for an individual to know that we deserved beyond what they could give.
This should be a comfort. We must consider that we have been loved, and will one day be loved to an even fuller capacity.
They continue to rise as the sun;
Breathing in his wind ,
Their breath becomes one.
A quake begins to tremble
As if converging plates collide
Rivers start to flow
Still the shaking won't subside.
A twisting of the limbs
Like trees colliding in the sky
Bringing him in further still
Like the pulling of the tide.
The stone of her smooth back
Lifts into an arch
And sediment is placed inside
A crevice in the dark
Until eventually the world described
Begins to disappear
And all that's left, in ecstasy;
Is him holding her near.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Hidden Message
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Failing to Flourishing: A Tale of Tampax & Shiraz.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
10 Days of Yoga: I've Learned To Breathe
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Facebook-Free for 43
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"Feeling" It.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Abundance From A Park & Some Breath
“There is a man-made concept called lack. It does not exist. Some of us may feel lack, but it is a false perception. There is no such thing as lack. Our lives are overwhelmingly abundant.”
My favorite yoga instructor has said this in two separate sessions that I have attended. Usually it comes just at the moment that I’m stretching myself so that my body is screaming at me to stop; that it’s going to break if I push it any further, and I am feeling just that: lack. A lack in ability to cope with discomfort, both physically and emotionally. Once, just when I was thinking this, that same instructor said “It is okay to be uncomfortable,” and it was such a mind-blowing concept that it brought me to tears. Perhaps it was the fact that my hip was aching and pulling at where it attaches on my pelvic bone that also helped to bring about those little tiny droplets of salt water from my eyes. None-the-less it was a very prominent moment in my present-day life. I keep replaying it.
To realize that life isn’t always beautiful and easy and comfortable was one thing. However, coupled with the idea that there is no such thing as lack, the concept becomes completely different! That, for me, was a moment of epiphany, which sounded something like this in my mind:
To be alone…….isn’t……lack!?
Essentially, I realized that the only person creating an emptiness in my life is myself. I questioned myself about what is missing. Friends? No, I’ve had them, I just haven’t reached out (and to my astonishment, they’re all still right there—even new ones—when I’ve come crying to them recently). A social life? No, because I can create one with those friends as long as I do reach out. Money? To an extent, but only because I make the decision every day to go to school and work minimally, providing for excellent grades and ample time for what I consider to be, actually, a rather good balance in my life. Love? I’m missing a lover--missing in more than one sense of the word—but is there an actual lack of love in my life? No, I am also surrounded by that. Drenched in it, even!
The bottom line is that the only true lack is in confidence and acceptance of my self. I lost it, honestly, so many years ago, that I’m not sure where exactly I left it. I assume I probably left it in the apartment where I played into the role of the heart-broken ex-fiance who had the relationship terminated on her. You’re supposed to feel a deep lack when that happens, so I made sure I created a giant hole and then buried it up like so many love stories tells us is normal.
Truth is: there’s never been a lack in me. It’s all right here. I just have to have the courage to implement, daily, an appreciation for everything that I am, that I do, and that I have right in front of me. I need to re-discover life’s little pleasures as I used to when I was young(er).
It’s amazing what a park, some breathing, and a number of truly good souls can do!
I am thankful.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Self Safari

The city may not always be beautiful. In fact at first some parts of it seem downright ugly with its occasional lack of greenery or over-population of cars clunky, old, and new lining its stretch-marked streets in need of repaving. The unkempt yards—or rather, housing in general—add to the eye-sore and create a definite harshness to certain areas yet simultaneously it is a more endearing metropolis when looked at as the sort of patch-work quilt that it is.
Now, I don’t venture into the ghetto. I only balance on the thread that is between the truly rough and textured patches and the guaranteed silky smooth safe zones of Long Beach. This line I call the edge of nice or, a new term I recently coined over drinks with friends—“demi-ghetto.” None-the-less there is a definite quilting to the city’s ‘hoods.
One square block has been picked up, and cute, charming little places on quiet streets say “this could be home.” You go up and over a block and you have where I reside, an older condo building whose trash can is busily “tagged” in its placement nestled between a printing factory and an apartment building always teeming with screaming unhappy children and overflowing with the scent of some sort of beans and rice dish. Just a few blocks away are what I now would consider mansions, but once would have considered only to be very large houses.

Admiring these beautiful homes, I found myself nit-picking. “This house is nice but could use more windows,” I thought. Or, “that house has a beautiful yard, but the whole look would be more beautiful with shutters. I wonder why the owner hasn’t purchased any yet.” That’s when I realized that I tend to see the beauty in things, and I appreciate it. But often times, I also note too clearly what could improve it, and see it so clearly in my mind that I lose sight of what is actually there and no longer, then, focus on an actual thing, but an imaginary one. It takes away from the enjoyment to whatever degree. Metaphorically, I realized this said a lot about me and the way I live my life.

Oddly, it is at about that moment that I veered away from these perfectly imperfect homes and ventured back towards the mostly flawed areas that I could photograph and appreciate for all their quirks and roughness. I suppose that means that I am, in some manner, in search of appreciation and acceptance of those things in life which I consider flaws.
A little alone time for this reflection with my camera was just the medicine that I needed for the day. Then again, I always find a new reflection of myself through the lens.
I’m glad to discover who is coming about through it right now.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine
I can’t blame the gentleman. When a man knows it is not a fit, he knows just that: it is not a fit. It does not matter if it is but twelve days from Saint Valentine’s Day. There is no use, when there exists not the genuine feeling, in buying a woman flowers. For what reason should he, if he does not mean to say what those petals would whisper to her heart? What benefit could there be if he were to go along with a pointless gesture, only to abandon all of the emotion in a departure from the relationship some days later? He would be nothing but a small fortune less endowed, and she would remain alone wondering if everything of sentiment before this had ever held any real meaning if he hadn’t meant what he implied on the day of love.
It could have been a Sunday or a Tuesday in the middle of June when no holidays were near and I had made no plans. It would still have stung exactly as much. The willing departure of a man from a woman’s life is not the sensation of needle prick, but the lasting sting of a wasp. A man’s termination of a relationship is a pain that persists. A hurt so enduring that when one so randomly cognizes in the middle of some thought or chore, that the end has come about, one relives that sensation as if the wasp had just stuck her and injected its venom. It lingers and lurks, for some time, to know and stumble across mental reminders that she, for someone else, was not “it.”
To know that someone else will one day completely claim, by law and by mutual adoration, the man which she once imagined was her very own, if only for a brief breath in a long series of life’s exhalations, is a sort of injury without a medicine to sufficiently treat it. Like a virus, only time can let the hurt run its course.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
English Freak Starts New Semester
It has arrived!
The start of a new semester and new classes. I thought that I was waitlisted for three of the four classes I am registered for this semester, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I am already enrolled in my Literature and Composition class. Of the other two classes which I was waitlisted for, I was able to enter into College Grammar (another English class) successfully.
Honestly, I think that this is going to be quite the heavy semester and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Grammar seems like it’s going to be a blast. The professor is awesome, funny, uppity and so it makes it easy to listen. Besides, this is something that I have a huge interest in as I’ve considered being an editor if my writing doesn’t make it creatively or technically (which shouldn’t be a problem).
Literature seems like it should be okay but I am not yet sure what I think about the professor. She seems scattered, which reminds me of myself and I am presently undecided as to if this is going to be annoying or eventually become endearing.
History Honors seems like it is going to be the most challenging of them all. The four exams, if I understood right, will be 18 pages worth of critical thinking in writing and an additional project as the final.
And then there is the issue of Statistics. Hopefully, despite the huge waitlist, I will be permitted to enter the class. If not, perhaps I will find that my present course-load will be more than enough to keep me busy.
None-the-less I am extremely excited to have begun the semester. Less time to over-scrutinize myself and everything else in life. This sounds amazing!
English Freak Starts New Semester
It has arrived!
The start of a new semester and new classes. I thought that I was waitlisted for three of the four classes I am registered for this semester, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I am already enrolled in my Literature and Composition class. Of the other two classes which I was waitlisted for, I was able to enter into College Grammar (another English class) successfully.
Honestly, I think that this is going to be quite the heavy semester and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Grammar seems like it’s going to be a blast. The professor is awesome, funny, uppity and so it makes it easy to listen. Besides, this is something that I have a huge interest in as I’ve considered being an editor if my writing doesn’t make it creatively or technically (which shouldn’t be a problem).
Literature seems like it should be okay but I am not yet sure what I think about the professor. She seems scattered, which reminds me of myself and I am presently undecided as to if this is going to be annoying or eventually become endearing.
History Honors seems like it is going to be the most challenging of them all. The four exams, if I understood right, will be 18 pages worth of critical thinking in writing and an additional project as the final.
And then there is the issue of Statistics. Hopefully, despite the huge waitlist, I will be permitted to enter the class. If not, perhaps I will find that my present course-load will be more than enough to keep me busy.
None-the-less I am extremely excited to have begun the semester. Less time to over-scrutinize myself and everything else in life. This sounds amazing!
Show Me What It's Like To Make Love
Show me what it’s like to make love.
Look me in the eye and tell me without saying a word.
Disrobe yourself and stand bare before me as if I were the sea;
And before you plunge into my soul,
Wet your face in my waters
And let my salty bitter flavor run over your lips.
Sprinkle the pieces of me that you want most
Into the bed and enjoy me as you would your favorite meal;
Nibbling so as not to go too fast
Only to arrive to an empty plate too soon.
Kiss my neck as if it were the first time that you
Held an ice cream to your lips and felt its cold sweetness.
Rub your hands along my sides and moisten me
As if were the clay that you mold upon your wheel.
Make me sing in the way that you do your guitar.
Pull my strings and frolic in them,
Play me like nothing else is on your mind.
Put your mouth to mine and drink me in
As if I were unlike any bouquet you’d sensed
In the finest wine you’d sampled.
Test me as if I were the sports car of your dreams.
Rev me up to get me going, then
Floor me until the moment that I roar.
Slowly bring me down to hear me purr
And then just hold me.
Hold me as if time was placed on pause
And everything were completely still.
Show me what it’s like to make love.
A Woman, A Man & Their Cigars
From across a dark and lively room
Her eyes catch to his
Lips gently caressing the brown
Paper wrappings
Of a bittersweet treat.
His cheeks depress concavely
As he draws in smoky air
Sucking in the flavor
From a moistened
Cylindrical tube of foreign pleasure.
From afar, the two minds meet.
An eyebrow lifts as if to
Call him hither.
Yet he does not respond
But with a wink and a tempted grin.
The smoking has begun.
A gentle pulse grows into the night
Until she trembles for his touch
And the flame is struck from his
Tongue pressed and flickering upon hers.
She unwraps her own fleshy cigar,
Tugging at the leather, clasping
Its denim wrapper shut tight.
When he stands disrobed before her
She takes him into her mouth,
Sucking in, as he had his smoky air,
Until she tastes his murky bitterness
In her cheek, whereupon
They both lie wasted.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Anything Else?
I am an old person in a young person’s body.
I am also simultaneously a child in an adult’s body.
These days I feel no more young than I do old, which at times I wonder if that means that I am exactly where I should be. Yet I also feel so disconnected from a major populace of this city.
I could write much more on this issue but that’s pretty much all that needs to be said on that matter.
Essentially, the old me wants to be getting into bed at 9 PM on a Wednesday. I feel like I should have a grand-child, but even my grandmother wouldn't be desirous of bed so early.
The young me is mostly school girl, entertaining way too many new thoughts and experiences, balancing a new social life which she never had and trying to figure out where she belongs in her own life none-the-less everyone else's. Naive as I've always been.
I have “friends” in their 50s. I have friends in their 30s. I have friends my age and friends younger than it. I feel in between it all and it is such a strange phenomenon.
I just can’t wait for classes to start so I can focus on anything else. ANYTHING else.