Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On Cat Boxes and Laundry

She looks at me
Big green eyes made smaller, slightly,
slighting me a little.

I know she’s thinking
Why the fuck the dog
Gets fresh-cooked chicken
In extra virgin olive oil
While I scoop what we call
“chinese food” in her bowl.
A small helping
Of essentially nutritionless
Sawdust and pulp.
The package says chicken
But we aren’t entirely sure she
Isn’t eating cat
At ninety-nine cents a bag.

And I know she figures
If the dog does something annoying--
Say, persistent whooping cough
Or whining as bulbous glaucoma
Squeezes out her eye--
And gets a treat
Maybe she’ll receive the same.

So she stares at my mom—
The queen of the house—
As she enters into her bed chamber
And squats
To piss
On the queen’s
very treasured

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